Hydria Clear 1″ Swimming Pool & Spa Bromine Sanitizer Tablets – (Choose Size)




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Hydria Clear 1″ Inch Swimming Pool & Spa Bromine Sanitizer Tabs Tablets – (Choose Size)

Note:  Chemicals are hazmat items and are non-returnable so PLEASE make sure you order  the right chemical. If you accidentally order the wrong chemical Save More On  Pool Supplies will not be able to take back the order. Please make sure you  order the right item. Provides: 65% Bromine and 30% Chlorine

Note: Someone will have to be home to sign for the package.  If not, FedEx will not deliver the product. 

**Item image may vary from actual product!! We sell a lot of these bromine tablets and change brands based on availability. Please rest assured that the quality will be the same if not better**

Bromine Tablets are a chemical sanitation treatment useful on both spas and pools. Our Bromine tablets, 1in in diameter, work best at 2.0 to 4.0 ppm. Its germ and algae killing is much less dependent on pH than is chlorine and there is no stabilizer buildup. Do not dispense in the skimmer. Remember that bromine dissolves only 1/10 as fast as chlorine and as a result requires more surface area exposure. We recommend the use of a brominator. Its germ and algae killing is much less dependent on pH than is chlorine and there is no stabilizer buildup. Please keep in mind that spent bromine is still useful in killing bacteria.

1″ Bromine Tablets are 65% Bromine and 30% Chlorine. They can be used with either floating dispensers or chemical feeders. A safe, yet effective alternative to chlorine, Bromine Tablets provide powerful sanitization while reducing the side effects of red eyes, skin irritation, and strong chemical odors. Ideal for indoor pools and spas, Bromine Tablets dissolve slowly and attack and eliminate algae and bacteria, leaving you with clear and healthy water. These 1-inch tablets are easy to handle and work well in floaters and automatic feeders.

Keep pH between 7.2 and 7.6 and never allow to fall below 7.0. The dosage necessary for your pool will change considerably depending upon those factors that burden the disinfection system.

Establish an effective active bromine residual of between 2 and 3 ppm. Test water frequently using a reliable test kit. Adjust the flow rate through the brominator if necessary to maintain the active bromine residual.

Dosage: Add 17 tablets per 10,000 gallons every 5-7 days or as needed to maintain a bromine residual of 2-3 ppm at all times.

  • Feed through spa float or automatic brominator.

Active Ingredients:

  • 1-Bromo-3-Chloro-5,5-Dimethylhydantoin….98.0%
  • Other ingredients…………………………………2.0%
  • Total………………………………………………..100%

*12 Lbs is shipped as (3) 4 lb buckets.

NOTE: Do not dispense bromine in the skimmer. Bromine dissolves at only 10% the speed that chlorine does, and as a result requires more surface area exposure.

Additional information



TestTreatment Parameter

Water Clarity





EPA Registration Number


Water Type



Water Treatment

Suitable For

Hot Tubs, Swimming Pools


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